Working my way through the commentary of St. Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs has been a most rewarding journey (aided by the gift of the entirety of the extant sermons for my 30th birthday last year. . . you know who you are
). I've been posting miscellaneous quotes that seem to have a standalone value without knowing just how they fit into the overall context. I've been posting them sans commentary, perhaps with emphasis here or there. Another worthy entry from the Mellifluous Doctor, some prudent counsel for those who undertake to guide the Church as priests or engage in her mission to the world (which just about sums all of us up):
At this point we need to be warned not to give away what we have received for our own welfare, nor to retain for ourselves what must be expended for others. For example, you keep for yourself what belongs to your neighbor, if along with your full endowment of interior virtues you are also adorned with the external gifts of knowledge and eloquence, and, through fear or sloth or ill-judged humility, smother this gift of speech that could be of help to so many, in a useless and even pernicious silence; for “the people’s curse is on the man who hoards the wheat.”
On the other hand, you squander and lose what is meant to be your own if, before you are totally permeated by the infusion of the Holy Spirit, you rashly proceed to pour out your unfulfilled self upon others; you contravene the law which says: “You must not put the first-born of your herd to work, nor shear the first-born of your flock.” You deprive yourself of the life and salvation which you impart to another if, lacking right intention and inspired by self- conceit, you become infected with the poison of worldly ambition that swells into a deadly ulcer and destroys you.
The man who is wise, therefore, will see his life as more like a reservoir than a canal. The canal simultaneously pours out what it receives; the reservoir retains the water till it is filled, then discharges the overflow without loss to itself. He knows that a curse is on the man who allows his own property to degenerate. And if you think my opinion worthless, then listen to one who is wiser than I: “The fool,” said Solomon, “comes out with all his feelings at once, but the wise man subdues and restrains them.”° Today there are many in the Church who act like canals, the reservoirs are far too rare. So urgent is the charity of those through whom the streams of heavenly doctrine flow to us, that they want to pour it forth before they have been filled; they are more ready to spek than to listen, impatient to teach what they have not grasped, and full of presumption to govern others while they know not how to govern themselves…
Bernard of Clairvaux
Sermon 19 on the Song of Songs
1 comment:
yes, yes. very good. very judicious. step forward.
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