12 June 2013

So I'm Not the Only One!

Here's a link to a short blog entry written by one of our seminarians, Matt Nagle, on his time in Rome this summer.  I'm not the only one on assignment! (And there's no fancy pasta and red wine for me.)

It's been hard getting back into the academic swing. It's a lot... a LOT of reading. Tonight, I'll be wading through Martin Luther's commentary on the letter to the Galatians. He's a feisty fellow, and it makes for fun reading. He prefaced his treatise on Christian Liberty with a letter to the pope, Leo X, with the following greeting:

That I may not approach you empty-handed, blessed father, I am sending you this little treatise dedicated to you as a token of peace and good hope. From this book you may judge with what studies I should prefer to be more profitably occupied, as I could be, provided your godless flatterers would permit me and had permitted me in the past. It is a small book if you regard its size. Unless I am mistaken, however, it contains the whole of Christian life in a brief form, provided you grasp its meaning. I am a poor man and have no other gift to offer, and you do not need to be enriched by any but a spiritual gift. (!)

That, ladies and gentlemen, is cheek.

Today I got out on the lake and did some canoeing in this beautiful weather. I figure St. Anthony would have wanted it that way.

Prayers and blessings for you all,

Father Nick

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