27 December 2007

Snow Vapor

The green on the blog isn't the greatest for photo display, but you can scroll down past the title bar and just get the neutral gray background. Some fooling around with my camera during a misty day produced some worthy images. The whole campus was soaked in moisture, and it hung on every twig and blade of grass. Amazingly, my photo editor allowed me to zoom in with enough detail to see the inverted images of the surrounding branches through these tiny liquid lenses.
At any rate, it was a pleasant thought that I could inhale two weeks of snowfall and tuck it away in my sinuses for later enjoyment.

1 comment:

Matt G said...

Blaha I do so enjoy your posts. You should post more often. Also, though this causes me some embarassment I too have a blog which I share with Kateri. It is pudgiepie.blogspot.com should you wish to check it out. I don't post often and the quality falls far short of your own. Still.